Dycal Refill Pack Ivory

Manufacturer: Dentsply Sirona
20 500 ֏

Dycal Refill Pack Ivory

Dycal® Calcium Hydroxide Liner is a two-component, rigid-setting, self-curing material designed for use in direct and indirect pulp capping and as a protective liner under dental adhesives, varnishes, filling materials, cements, and other base materials. It will not inhibit the polymerization of acrylic and composite restorations.

1. Application to exposed, vital pulp tissue (direct pulp capping).
2. Application to dentin as a protective barrier between restorative materials and deep vital dentin (indirect pulp capping) or where dentin to restorative material contact is not desired.

Կալցիումի հիդրօքսիդի հիմքի վրա պատրաստված տակդիր՝ նախատեսված պուլպայի ուղղակի և անուղղակի ծածկման համար։ 

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